and Resources
Let's Go Getaway
You all know the saying around here: Let’s Go! Well, we are going to go! We’re inviting the whole church to a brand new event called the Let’s Go Getaway! From May 2-4, we’ll be getting out in to our community with worship sessions at First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood and St. James Episcopal in Penn Hills. On Saturday, we have a host of mission opportunities for you to plug in to, as well as some recreational fun. Then on Sunday, we’ll gather back here at Beulah for a combined worship service, and if the weather plays nice we’ll even do it outside! We need to have some pretty specific numbers, so we’re asking that everybody sign up by *April 27* at the latest! The cost for the Friday & Saturday event is $25/person (there is no charge if you can only attend on Sunday) You can sign up online here, or by filling out a form in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please see J! And then…LET’S GO!

Lenten Special Offering
In 2025, MOST is sponsoring two Mission Trips. The first is a return to Spruce Pine, NC for hurricane Helene relief. We have eight people ready to leave at the end of the month.
We are also planning our first trip back to visit Malawi and our sister church in Migowi since 2017.
The trip to Malawi is in conjunction with our long-time Mission Partner Medical Benevolent Foundation, which has developed several hospitals and clinics in Malawi and Haiti. We’re happy to report that we have six people from Beulah who are planning to participate, and the special offering for Lent is focused on helping with expenses for these trips.
Please help us be the hands and feet of Jesus out in the world. When you make a donation for the Lenten offering please mark "Lenten Offering" on the check memo line.

Noah at Sight and Sound Theatre
Registration forms for Noah at Sight & Sound are available in the Narthex or to download here. See Anne Yearick (412-302-2786) for questions.
Family Night Is Back!
Join us for all the usual fun and games, including a new series for adults called Introduction to Joy! Sign up in the Narthex so that we know to have enough food!

Prayer Request?
Prayer is an expression of our dependence upon God and our interdependence on one another.
Submit prayer requests to prayerchain@beulahpresby.org

Discover the Joy of Easter
Get ready for an afternoon of fun and wonder at Beulah's annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. This event is packed with engaging activities for the whole family, including a unique puppet show titled “Before the Miracle: Navigating Emotions," creative face painting, and bag decorating, all leading up to the much-anticipated egg hunt for children up to 5th grade.
Doors open at 2:00 p.m. for registration, all children must be registered to participate. This event is open to the public, and we encourage everyone to bring their Easter baskets and join us for a day of celebration and community spirit. Refreshments will be provided, and each participant will leave with a swag bag filled with goodies.
For more information or to volunteer, please reach out to Joshua Brim-Simpson at jsimpson@beulahpresby.org or call 412-242-4570.

New Photo Directory!
Don’t forget to sign up to be included in our new directory! Mondays - Fridays you can sign up online at www.ucdir.com by clicking “Photography Session Sign-Up.” Use church code - pa1139 and password - photos. Or sign up at the table in the Narthex on Sunday mornings!
Universal Church Directories will be here taking photos Thursday, April 3 and Friday, April 4 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Each Family will get a free directory and 8x10 portrait just for participating and you will have the opportunity to buy additional family portraits.
Our new Church Directory won’t be complete without you!

Easter Baking Help
So sorry Beulah bakers. I know that Tori has asked for bakers for several up coming hospitality events, but we are also in need of bakers for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 12.
If anyone is able to provide some cookies, brownies, or other baked good for that day, please contact Linda Andrews at 412-708-3433.
Thank you so much.

Hospitality Reminder!
Don’t forget! The first Sunday of every month is a Hospitality Sunday. This is a wonderful chance to gather as a family in MGB Fellowship Hall between services to catch up, drink coffee/tea, and enjoy treats. The more the merrier, so plan to join us on April 6.
If you are in the mood to bake feel free to contribute something yummy to our spread. Please label your contribution if anything contains peanuts or nuts of any kind. We have several folks with gluten sensitivity and they are so appreciative when we include goodies they can enjoy as well. Not a baker? Not a problem! We love fruit, cheese, popcorn, rice crispy treats….you get the idea….just about anything!