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God is doing a new thing here at Beulah!


9am Traditional Worship

10am Discovery Hour (for all ages)

11:15 Contemporary Worship


Image by César Couto

9am Traditional Worship

At the traditional worship service, we embrace the historic liturgy of the church, sing the familiar, beloved hymns of our tradition, and are led by our choir and organ.


We pray and respond to God’s Word together, sometimes in silence, sometimes speaking in one voice.


During the sermon, children are invited to share a special story with a children’s ministry volunteer. There is infant/toddler childcare available at both of our services.


We gather at the Table for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month. 


10am Discovery Hour (all ages)

Adults grow and deepen your faith with one another in topical studies, biblical application and Christian life. Topics rotate throughout the year.


Young children (pre-k), elementary children (k-5) and Youth (6th grade-12th)  have Bible lessons and activities during this hour with peers and church leaders.


11:15am Contemporary Worship

In contemporary worship, we seek to engage worshippers with all of their senses, invite children to explore, and engage all ages in an active encounter with the living God.


We sing music old and new and are led by our band, McCrady Road, as well as other musicians in a variety of styles. Using art, movement, silence, and ritual, we take familiar forms and seek to transform them for the present moment.


Contemporary worship is active, experiential, and participatory. Children are welcome and are also invited to share a special story with a children’s ministry volunteer during the sermon. We offer infant/toddler childcare to help support families who this will bless. We also have flexible seating, play rugs with cushions and toys, drawing pads and other resources in the sanctuary to help you engage and interact with worship in a tangible way.


We gather at the Table for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month. 



Beulah Presbyterian Church

2500 McCrady Rd.

Pgh, PA. 15235


Phone: 412.242.4570

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