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Concrete Wall

At the traditional worship service, we embrace the historic liturgy of the church, sing the familiar, beloved hymns of our tradition, and are led by our choir and organ.


We pray and respond to God’s Word together, sometimes in silence, sometimes speaking in one voice.


During the sermon, children are invited to share a special story with a children’s ministry volunteer.


We gather at the Table for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month.

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Concrete Wall

Traditional Worship

Sundays at 9am

Concrete Wall


Happiness is...singing in a choir.




Email Bill Larson for more info!

Concrete Wall

Hand Bell Ensembles

Exceptional Friends Ringers is an ever-growing ensemble for young adults with disabilities led by Carolyn Leah and Bill Larson. They meet often for fellowship and rehearsals and even lead worship at special services.


Chancel Bells are a 4 octave bell choir that plays varied styles and rhythms of the hand bell canon.


Embellishments is an advanced bell choir that requires more rhythmic accuracy and dynamic nuances.


Email Bill Larson for more info.

Beulah Presbyterian Church

2500 McCrady Rd.

Pgh, PA. 15235


Phone: 412.242.4570

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